Ethical, Sustainable Harvest

The diversity of available harvest represents one of the keys to the long-term sustainability of the fishery. Since fishers can shift effort to different targets should priority species be scarce, they are not forced to deplete stocks just to make a living.
The main species fished are mulloway, flounder, yellow-eye mullet, cockles, black bream, bony bream, redfin perch, callop, and European carp. The gear types used are slightly modified versions of traditional aboriginal gear types.

Fishing methods utilise low mechanisation coupled with highly energy efficient netting and manual harvest types. This results in low by-catch, highly specific methods operated by well-trained operators with decades of experience with the ecosystem and it’s fish.

The modification of the ecosystem means there is a diverse range of habitats (freshwater, estuarine, marine and hyper saline areas.) The advantages of being a multi-species, multi-gear fishery is that there can be a rotational harvest system, which shifts effort from one species to another when one becomes financially non-viable to target, or spreads effort across several species when conditions are ideal.